Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today I knew I had to do some type of work, so I had to go to the library while Joshua went to work. It was nice when it was quiet, but then a crapton of other people entered the library, and that's when I started key bashing.
When I got home, I turned on the television, and watched the creepy bunny chase the kids. They call him the Social Bunny. I call him the freak.

After Joshua got home, and we ate, he asked me on a date. It simply was us spending time together, so I'm not complaining. But he did give me flowers, that was a nice gift, especially since they're purple.
Later that evening, Joshua and I agreed that the two beds that came in the spare room were just taking up space, so we sold them. Afterwards we bought me a new computer. I began writing instantly.

Right before I laid down, I found out I was pregnant. Time to really start writing.

The next morning, I was determined to finish my first book. Which I did! But 30 dollars a week is not going to feed a baby, I need to step up.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Moving In Day

My name is Brandi, and I just moved into my first home with my fiancé, Joshua. It was quite eventful. I went downtown and learned the basics of writing, since that's what I wanted. Joshua, on the other hand, went on the other side of town and joined the science career, and had to learn gardening (he was not pleased).

Joshua making us brunch after we got back from running errands.

After us just cuddling on the sofa (OOC: which you see as the banner), he wanted to stargaze with me! It was so sweet, the way he snuck his hand in there.

We even saw a falling star! It was a great way to spend the first night in our new home. We ended it with a "bang," if you catch my drift. I won't show you any of those, but I'm eager to start writing my first novel, just gotta wait until Joshua brings home some more bacon to buy a computer!